Hello World!

vladislav klapin on unsplash

Hey! I made a web thingamabob! <polishes fingernails on shoulder> Spiffy!

So I just wanted to take a moment to put down what I have planned thus far for my very own web thingamabob. My plan for this blog is to be a mix of statistics, data vis appreciation, and practical / quality-of-life-type code snippets — and likely all three at the same time.

Subject to change, of course!

planned posts: 

stuff I’ve picked up along the way 

  1. Building this site with HUGO + wowchemy Academic theme + lots of code-lifting + selectorGadget.
    • Or "HUGO + wowchemy is a finicky #*!% GAHHH"
    • Lots of posts on this basic topic, but not many people have written about this after Academc theme became part of Wowchemy and that made things hard to figure out for a first-timer.
    • Also will help me remember what I did and where it goes.
  2. Having babies while doing a PhD.
    • tl;dr: don’t do it if you can help it. Otherwise: coffeeeeeeeeee!
  3. Posts on datagoboop:
    • Intro to datagoboop’s built-in audioplotting functions
    • Intro to basic data \(\mapsto\) sound functions in datagoboop
    • Building an audioplot from scratch with datagoboop
    • Development plans for datagoboop
  4. Regression with penalized splines
  5. Custom .rstheme + colored parens
  6. Common penalty contours + P-spline penalty
  7. Bayesian model selection basics
  8. Parallelizing R scripts on a PC.
    • don’t forget about using source as local job in RStudio!
  9. Articles of interest

testing .Rmd features 

i.e. making sure stuff ain’t broke


desiree de leon’s post

puzzle divtip

fyi divtip

demo divtip

testing <- TRUE
hey <- "it works!"

note divtip

including plots 

base R 


PhD student in Statistics

Former poet, current Stats PhD student. Interested in functional data analysis, spatial statistics, stats education, data visualization, and anything R.