Intro to datagoboop: pitch & playback

Introducing datagoboop

datagoboop is an R package for data sonification, or the audio version of data visualization. This project started off while I was dreaming of representing data as a symphony — our ears can with some training pick out each instrument in a symphony orchestra (maybe 15-20 instruments), whereas representing more than 4 or 5 variables in one plot is usually quite chaotic.

I asked Sebastian Waz and Jaylen Lee to join me in putting together this first pass at an R package for data sonification. While we haven’t quite gotten to symphonic sound — turns out a library of high-quality audio files gets large fast, so most output from datagoboop sounds more like 8-bit video game music 😜 — we still think it sounds pretty neat!

Why datagoboop

There are a few other data sonification packages for R, such as

(audiolyzr in particular sounds pretty neat!)

The main difference between these packages and datagoboop is that datagoboop includes several built-in sonification versions of common plots, but also allows users to build audio plots piece by piece by providing a higher level of control and modular functions.


if (!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages('devtools')

(You can also see the repo here)

Ground-level sonification


Pitch in datagoboop is parameterized as idealized piano key numbers, where the pitch frequency (hz) is given as a function of the piano key number $n$ by $$f(n) = 2^{\big( \frac{n - 49}{12}\big)} \times 440$$

The Wikipedia page for piano key frequencies is a useful reference.

Note that datagoboop’s implementation uses the equation above, so the (seemingly arbitrary) numbering for the extended keys on the Wikipedia page will not correspond correctly.

functions: cplay(), wplay()

To actually play audio, you’ll need to use either

  • cplay(): audio playback with console controls (“control playback”)
  • wplay(): audio playback better suited for .Rmd documents knitted to HTML.
    • in console, wplay() institutes a system timeout during playback.
      • use console controls instead: argument wplay_controls = TRUE
      • suppress playback completely: argument wplayback = FALSE
    • when knitting to html, wplay() saves the audio output as a .wav (named with timestamp), in a folder with the same name as your .Rmd file.

Set the optional arguments wplay_controls and wplayback for your entire R session by creating new variables with the same names.

For example, you can just create a new variable by executing wplayback <- FALSE to suppress playback globally from calls to wplay(), for example when you are executing multiple code chunks.

Just set it to TRUE when you want to hear it again!

function: note()


midC <- note(40)
  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/midC.wav"

note() is the most basic function in datagoboop — most other functions in datagoboop are built on top of it. The only required argument is a pkey (piano key); output is a .wav-format vector.

The optional arguments in note() are worth spending a moment on, since they appear frequently in datagoboop functions.

  • optional arguments and defaults:
    • vol = 1, volume (values from 0 to 1);
    • dur = 1, duration in seconds;
    • fs = 44100, sampling rate (varies by speaker hardware/audio driver);
    • inst_lab = "sine", instrument type
      • "piano", "string", "wind", "bass", are built in, though as mentioned they sound like an 8-bit piano, string, flute, or bass
      • You can also add sounds using add_inst() if you don’t like our 8-bit sounds, then specify its label here;
    • decay = FALSE, exponential decay of sound;
    • decay_rate = 6, sound decay rate if decay = TRUE
midC_bounce <- note(
  pkey = 40, 
  vol = 1, 
  dur = 2, 
  inst_lab = "piano",
  decay = TRUE,
  decay_rate = 6

  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/midC_bounce.wav"

functions: notes() & chords()

There is also a vectorized version notes() ….

pkeys <- 52:64      # piano keys for a 1 octave chromatic scale
vols <- 1:13 / 13   # increasing volume
durs <- 12:24 / 96  # slowing down

chrom <- notes(
  pkey = pkeys, 
  vol = vols, 
  dur = durs,
  decay = TRUE,
  progbar = FALSE

  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/chrom.wav"

…. and a single chord function chord()

chord_prog <- c(
  chord(pkey = c(50, 54, 57), decay = TRUE), 
  chord(pkey = c(50, 55, 59), decay = TRUE), 
  chord(pkey = c(50, 54, 57), decay = TRUE), 
  chord(pkey = c(49, 55, 57), decay = TRUE), 
  chord(pkey = c(50, 54, 57), decay = TRUE)

  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/chords.wav"

Example: audio histogram / violinplot

One of the first things we did after creating some of the basic playback functions was to try making an audio version of a histogram. A little modification turns it into something like a violinplot, which I think may convey the general shape a little more clearly.

This is pretty different from the built-in function sonify_hist() below, but the idea is to walk through construction of an audioplot using datagoboop’s ground-level functions.

Overall, we’re going to

  1. x-axis $\mapsto$ pitch: map histogram breakpoints to pitch;
  2. y-axis $\mapsto$ duration: map counts/bar heights to duration;
  3. y-axis $\mapsto$ volume: scale volume to counts/bar heights.

I think it’s a bit clearer when we start off hearing the highest count bars, and then allow the lower count bars to gradually emerge (so we’ll do that 👍).

Audio Histogram

First, we generate the data, and create a histogram. We’ll specify the breaks manually (16 breaks = 15 bins), and also store the histogram’s info.

y <- rnorm(1000, 40, 5)
breaks = seq(
  floor(max(y)) + 1, 
  length.out = 16
hist_info <- hist(y, breaks = breaks)

Next, we’ll select a C-major scale to map the breaks to.

  • major_scale() generates a vector of piano key numbers corresponding to a major scale starting at the specified tonic and number of octaves.
  • The second line selects every other note in order to avoid dissonance. (There will still be some!)
Cmajor <- major_scale(tonic_pkey = 40, n_octaves = 4)
pkeys <- Cmajor[2 * 1:length(breaks)]

Now we need to construct each “bar” of the audio histogram — each bar gets a note. Some calculations are required, since we need to fill in each note with silence to start, then the pitch of the note for a duration that expresses bar height.

We use the sampling rate and desired total duration to calculate total length of each note (each note is a .wav vector, playable on its own).

fs <- 44100
total_dur <- 8
wave_length <- total_dur*fs

# scale the durations and volume to reflect counts
# i.e. the longest note is the bin with the highest counts
scaling <- hist_info$counts / max(hist_info$counts)
vols <- scaling + .25
durs <- scaling * total_dur
fill_durs <- wave_length - durs*fs

Representing variables using volume can be a bit tricky, because volume is a combination of different sound wave characteristics — not just amplitude. For example, higher frequencies/pitches sound louder than lower frequencies with the same amplitude.

In the code above, I’ve also added a small nugget + 0.25 so that the volume doesn’t get too quiet.

Last, we construct each note in a loop, and sum each note’s sound wave together to construct the audio histogram’s sound wave.

audiohist <- rep(0, wave_length)
for (i in 1:length(durs)){
  wave_i <- c(
    # notes begin with silence
    rep(0, fill_durs[i]),
    # audible portion of note 
    note(pkey = pkeys[i], 
         dur = durs[i], 
         vol = vols[i])
  audiohist <- audiohist + wave_i[1:wave_length]

Summing note vectors to construct the sound wave is OK even though the vectors will exceed [-1, 1] because wplay() normalizes the .wav vector prior to save/playback.

The same histogram is shown again below.

  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/hist.wav"

Audio Violinplot

I like the overall effect of the histogram — sort of like an island emerging out of the water. But the tails are very hard to hear. So, let’s try a violin plot, which we can do simply by reversing the sound vector and placing it back to back.

  c(audiohist, rev(audiohist)), 
  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/violin.wav"

(A small happy accident if you listen closely: around 5 seconds in, you can hear a progression in there that sounds — just for a moment — like the opening to Debussy’s La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin)

The optional argument file_path is specified in calls to wplay() in this post in order to place the .wav file in the folder containing files for this post (see the previous note).

function: sonify_hist()

datagoboop also has a built-in audio histogram function:

  • counts/bar height $\mapsto$ pitch
  • x-axis $\mapsto$ time
  • static bursts mark quartiles
# requires dataframe as input
df <- data.frame(y)
    data = df, 
    var = "y", 
    breaks = 16, 
    duration = 5
  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/sonifyhist.wav"

Next up: built-in audio plot analogues

Next post will cover some of the basic plot types built-into datagoboop, for example, a scatterplot, in which the lower register indicates rising values in the $x$-variable, and the higher register indicates the value of the $y$-variable.

    x = mpg, 
    size = factor(gear),
    color = factor(gear)
  ) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.4) + 
  labs(title = "mtcars")

mtcars_audio <- sonify_scatter(
  data = mtcars,
  x_var = "mpg",
  y_var = "disp",
  factor_var = "gear",
  volume = "gear",
  vol_scaling = "binned 3 exp 2"
# output suppressed; shows progress bar in console
  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/mtc.wav"

A small parting gift

bp2 <- bach()
  file_path = "index.en.Rmark/bach.wav"
PhD student in Statistics

Former poet, current Stats PhD student. Interested in functional data analysis, spatial statistics, stats education, data visualization, and anything R.