Intro to datagoboop: pitch & playback
Introducing datagoboop
is an R package for data sonification, or the audio version of data visualization. This project started off while I was dreaming of representing data as a symphony — our ears can with some training pick out each instrument in a symphony orchestra (maybe 15-20 instruments), whereas representing more than 4 or 5 variables in one plot is usually quite chaotic.
I asked Sebastian Waz and Jaylen Lee to join me in putting together this first pass at an R package for data sonification. While we haven’t quite gotten to symphonic sound — turns out a library of high-quality audio files gets large fast, so most output from datagoboop
sounds more like 8-bit video game music 😜 — we still think it sounds pretty neat!
Why datagoboop
There are a few other data sonification packages for R, such as
in particular sounds pretty neat!)
The main difference between these packages and datagoboop
is that datagoboop
includes several built-in sonification versions of common plots, but also allows users to build audio plots piece by piece by providing a higher level of control and modular functions.
if (!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages('devtools')
(You can also see the repo here)
Ground-level sonification
Pitch in datagoboop
is parameterized as idealized piano key numbers, where the pitch frequency (hz) is given as a function of the piano key number $n$ by
$$f(n) = 2^{\big( \frac{n - 49}{12}\big)} \times 440$$
The Wikipedia page for piano key frequencies is a useful reference.
Note that datagoboop
’s implementation uses the equation above, so the (seemingly arbitrary) numbering for the extended keys on the Wikipedia page will not correspond correctly.
functions: cplay()
, wplay()
To actually play audio, you’ll need to use either
: audio playback with console controls (“control playback”)wplay()
: audio playback better suited for .Rmd documents knitted to console, wplay()
institutes a system timeout during playback.- use console controls instead: argument
wplay_controls = TRUE
- suppress playback completely: argument
wplayback = FALSE
- use console controls instead: argument
when knitting to html, wplay()
saves the audio output as a.wav
(named with timestamp), in a folder with the same name as your .Rmd file.
Set the optional arguments wplay_controls
and wplayback
for your entire R session by creating new variables with the same names.
For example, you can just create a new variable by executing wplayback <- FALSE
to suppress playback globally from calls to wplay()
, for example when you are executing multiple code chunks.
Just set it to TRUE
when you want to hear it again!
function: note()
midC <- note(40)
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/midC.wav"
is the most basic function in datagoboop
— most other functions in datagoboop
are built on top of it. The only required argument is a pkey
(piano key); output is a .wav-format vector.
The optional arguments in note()
are worth spending a moment on, since they appear frequently in datagoboop
- optional arguments and defaults:
vol = 1
, volume (values from 0 to 1);dur = 1
, duration in seconds;fs = 44100
, sampling rate (varies by speaker hardware/audio driver);inst_lab = "sine"
, instrument type"piano"
, are built in, though as mentioned they sound like an 8-bit piano, string, flute, or bass- You can also add sounds using
if you don’t like our 8-bit sounds, then specify its label here;
decay = FALSE
, exponential decay of sound;decay_rate = 6
, sound decay rate ifdecay = TRUE
midC_bounce <- note(
pkey = 40,
vol = 1,
dur = 2,
inst_lab = "piano",
decay = TRUE,
decay_rate = 6
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/midC_bounce.wav"
functions: notes()
& chords()
There is also a vectorized version notes()
pkeys <- 52:64 # piano keys for a 1 octave chromatic scale
vols <- 1:13 / 13 # increasing volume
durs <- 12:24 / 96 # slowing down
chrom <- notes(
pkey = pkeys,
vol = vols,
dur = durs,
decay = TRUE,
progbar = FALSE
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/chrom.wav"
…. and a single chord function chord()
chord_prog <- c(
chord(pkey = c(50, 54, 57), decay = TRUE),
chord(pkey = c(50, 55, 59), decay = TRUE),
chord(pkey = c(50, 54, 57), decay = TRUE),
chord(pkey = c(49, 55, 57), decay = TRUE),
chord(pkey = c(50, 54, 57), decay = TRUE)
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/chords.wav"
Example: audio histogram / violinplot
One of the first things we did after creating some of the basic playback functions was to try making an audio version of a histogram. A little modification turns it into something like a violinplot, which I think may convey the general shape a little more clearly.
This is pretty different from the built-in function sonify_hist()
below, but the idea is to walk through construction of an audioplot using datagoboop
’s ground-level functions.
Overall, we’re going to
x-axis $\mapsto$ pitch: map histogram breakpoints to pitch;y-axis $\mapsto$ duration: map counts/bar heights to duration;y-axis $\mapsto$ volume: scale volume to counts/bar heights.
I think it’s a bit clearer when we start off hearing the highest count bars, and then allow the lower count bars to gradually emerge (so we’ll do that 👍).
Audio Histogram
First, we generate the data, and create a histogram. We’ll specify the breaks manually (16 breaks = 15 bins), and also store the histogram’s info.
y <- rnorm(1000, 40, 5)
breaks = seq(
floor(max(y)) + 1,
length.out = 16
hist_info <- hist(y, breaks = breaks)
Next, we’ll select a C-major scale to map the breaks to.
generates a vector of piano key numbers corresponding to a major scale starting at the specified tonic and number of octaves.- The second line selects every other note in order to avoid dissonance. (There will still be some!)
Cmajor <- major_scale(tonic_pkey = 40, n_octaves = 4)
pkeys <- Cmajor[2 * 1:length(breaks)]
Now we need to construct each “bar” of the audio histogram — each bar gets a note. Some calculations are required, since we need to fill in each note with silence to start, then the pitch of the note for a duration that expresses bar height.
We use the sampling rate and desired total duration to calculate total length of each note (each note is a .wav
vector, playable on its own).
fs <- 44100
total_dur <- 8
wave_length <- total_dur*fs
# scale the durations and volume to reflect counts
# i.e. the longest note is the bin with the highest counts
scaling <- hist_info$counts / max(hist_info$counts)
vols <- scaling + .25
durs <- scaling * total_dur
fill_durs <- wave_length - durs*fs
Representing variables using volume can be a bit tricky, because volume is a combination of different sound wave characteristics — not just amplitude. For example, higher frequencies/pitches sound louder than lower frequencies with the same amplitude.
In the code above, I’ve also added a small nugget + 0.25
so that the volume doesn’t get too quiet.
Last, we construct each note in a loop, and sum each note’s sound wave together to construct the audio histogram’s sound wave.
audiohist <- rep(0, wave_length)
for (i in 1:length(durs)){
wave_i <- c(
# notes begin with silence
rep(0, fill_durs[i]),
# audible portion of note
note(pkey = pkeys[i],
dur = durs[i],
vol = vols[i])
audiohist <- audiohist + wave_i[1:wave_length]
Summing note vectors to construct the sound wave is OK even though the vectors will exceed [-1, 1] because wplay()
normalizes the .wav vector prior to save/playback.
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/hist.wav"
Audio Violinplot
I like the overall effect of the histogram — sort of like an island emerging out of the water. But the tails are very hard to hear. So, let’s try a violin plot, which we can do simply by reversing the sound vector and placing it back to back.
c(audiohist, rev(audiohist)),
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/violin.wav"
(A small happy accident if you listen closely: around 5 seconds in, you can hear a progression in there that sounds — just for a moment — like the opening to Debussy’s La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin)
The optional argument file_path
is specified in calls to wplay()
in this post in order to place the .wav file in the folder containing files for this post (see the previous note).
function: sonify_hist()
also has a built-in audio histogram function:
- counts/bar height $\mapsto$ pitch
- x-axis $\mapsto$ time
- static bursts mark quartiles
# requires dataframe as input
df <- data.frame(y)
data = df,
var = "y",
breaks = 16,
duration = 5
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/sonifyhist.wav"
Next up: built-in audio plot analogues
Next post will cover some of the basic plot types built-into datagoboop
, for example, a scatterplot, in which the lower register indicates rising values in the $x$-variable, and the higher register indicates the value of the $y$-variable.
x = mpg,
size = factor(gear),
color = factor(gear)
) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.4) +
labs(title = "mtcars")
mtcars_audio <- sonify_scatter(
data = mtcars,
x_var = "mpg",
y_var = "disp",
factor_var = "gear",
volume = "gear",
vol_scaling = "binned 3 exp 2"
# output suppressed; shows progress bar in console
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/mtc.wav"
A small parting gift
bp2 <- bach()
file_path = "index.en.Rmark/bach.wav"